Why you should take Agriculture Education
Dear Parents and Students,
Students at West Greene High School have an exciting opportunity to enroll in the Agricultural Education program next year! Please consider this letter an explanation of FFA and the agricultural classes that students may take in 2025-26
After enrollment in an agricultural course, students are given the chance to join the National FFA Organization, which is the largest student organization in the United States. There are over 700,000 members that reach from the state of Alaska to Puerto Rico, Maine to Hawaii! Tennessee alone has 225 FFA Chapters and boasts over 33,000 student members.
Our hope is that your family will encourage agriculture participation in Agriculture/FFA next year. The classes offer diverse opportunities regardless of background or future plans. There is such a wide variety of topics to learn about, events to compete in, and skills to learn! Each student will gain recognition and awards for their participation. Students should consider choosing an agricultural class as an opportunity to learn about new concepts, become a well-rounded individual and to develop leadership skills.
The West Greene FFA has a support group called the West Greene FFA Alumni, in which they help support the chapter of West Greene finically whether with projects at school, sending students on trips, , fairs, construction on new facilities, or just helping out when the chapter needs help. The great thing about the alumni is that you do not have to be a former FFA member to join. To qualify for membership in this great organization is you only have to support Agricultural Education. We ask all student member parents to come join us for good fellowship, fun and to help improve Agriculture Education at West Greene High School, Greene County and the state of Tennessee. The Alumni chapter is part of the TN State FFA Alumni and the National FFA Alumni, which gives millions of dollars back to the local, state, and National Chapters and/or members.
Adam Short Robert Meadows
Agricultural Educator Agricultural Educator
FFA Advisor FFA Advisor